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Class Definition: RadarChart

chartjs: obj = RadarChart (data, labels)
chartjs: obj = RadarChart (…, Name, Value)

Create a RadarChart object.

obj = RadarChart (data, labels) returns a RadarChart object, in which data contain the data point locations along the radius and labels contain the corresponding data point labels evenly spaced along the circumference of the radar chart.

  • data must be a nonempty N×P numeric matrix, where each column corresponds to a separate dataset and each row corresponds to an element in labels. If data is a row vector and its length matches the number of elements in labels, then it is transposed to a column vector.
  • labels must be a nonempty numerical vector or cellstring array, where each element corresponds to a row in data. If labels is a character vector, then it is converted to a cellstring scalar.

obj = RadarChart (…, Name, Value) returns a RadarChart object with the properties of each dataset specified by one or more Name, Value pair arguments. Name can be any property name of a RadarData object and Value must correspond to the data type(s) and values accepted by that property. Type help RadarData for more details on the available properties.

Specifically for the properties that accept a Color object as their input value, besides the Color object you may also parse to the RadarChart constructor the same values accepted by the constructor of the Color object. However, if you choose to manually modify the RadarChart’s properties using the dot notation syntax, then you must assign a Color object to the chosen property. Type help Color for more details on the available syntax.

For properties that accept scalar values, you can pass a vector of the same type with each element corresponding to a different dataset. For properties that accept vectors, you can pass a matrix of the same type with each row corresponding to a different dataset. Otherwise, the same property value will be assigned to all datasets available in data. For properties accepting a character vector, you need to pass a cellstring array for multiple datasets, whereas for properties that can take mixed types of scalar values (i.e. either boolean and character vectors), you need to pass a cell array with each element corresponding to a different dataset.

A RadarChart object, obj, stores the following properties, which can be accessed/modified using dot notation syntax similarly to a struct object:

chartIDA character vector defining the name of the Chart in the generated html code.
datasetsA cell array containing one or more RadarData objects corresponding to the data input.
labelsA numeric vector or a cellstring array with the data labels defined in labels.
optionsA cell array containing one or more Option and Plugin objects. Not used at the moment.

To directly serve the RadarChart object on a local web server instance, you can use the object’s webserve () method. Alternatively, you can generate and/or save to a file the corresponding HTML code with the htmlstring () and htmlsave () methods and serve it online through a web server of your choice.

See also: RadarData, Color, Fill, Html, WebServer

Source Code: RadarChart