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Class Definition: WebServer

chartjs: WebServer ()

Interface to a web server instance.


This class initializes a web server and returns its instance in a WebServer object. The web instance, once initiated by the class constructor, it remains persistent during the Octave session and it is gracefully terminated upon exit by the class destructor. The web instance is still valid and active even if the variable holding the instance in Octave’s workspace is deleted.

The class constructor (i.e. WebServer ()) is private and cannot be run directly. Use the static method WebServer.start () to initiate a web server instance or reacquire its handle in case the variable has been accidentally cleared from the workspace. Use the serve () public method to update the contents being served by the web server instance.

Note that the class destructor (i.e. delete (obj)) is public method. ** NEVER CALL DESTRUCTOR FOR AN OBJECT OF THIS CLASS MANUALLY !!! **

The WebServer class utilizes the __webserve__ dynamically linked library, which relies relies on the CrowCpp microframework. ** DO NOT use the __webserve__ function directly! **

See also: Html, WebServer

Source Code: WebServer

Method: serve

chartjs: serve (obj, ctx)

Update the WebServer’s content.

serve (obj, ctx) updates the content being served by the WebServer instance, obj. ctx can either be a *Chart object or a character vector containing any text/HTML string.

See also: BarChart, BubbleChart, DoughnutChart, LineChart, PieChart, PolarAreaChart, RadarChart, ScatterChart, WebServer

Method: start

chartjs: obj = WebServer.start ()
chartjs: obj = WebServer.start (Name, Value, …)

Initialize a WebServer instance.

obj = WebServer.start () initializes a web server instance, which by default listens to the localhost on port 8080 and returns its handle to the WebServer object, obj.

obj = WebServer.start (…, Name, Value) initializes a WebServer instance with the settings specified by one or more of the following Name, Value pair arguments.

portA numeric integer value specifying the listening port of the web server instance. The default value is 8080.
bind-addressA character vector specifying the bind-address of the web server instance. The default value is "".

See also: WebServer